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Understanding cluster

The cluster comprises five projects awarded funding by the European Commission under the Horizon Europe program (HORIZON-MISS-2021-CANCER-02-03). The focus of these projects is on addressing Objective 1 of the Cancer Mission program, dedicated to enhancing our understanding of the influence of risk factors and health determinants on the initiation and advancement of cancer. 

The listed projects are:

  • GENIAL: Understanding gene–environment interaction in alcohol-related hepatocellular carcinoma

  • LUCIA: Understanding lung cancer-related risk factors and their impact

  • ELMUMY: Elucidation of risk factors and health determinants associated with progression of monoclonal gammopathies to multiple myeloma

  • DISCERN: Discovering the causes of three poorly understood cancers in Europe (renal, pancreatic and colorectal)

  • MELCAYA: Novel health-care strategies for melanoma in children, adolescents, and young adults

The primary aim of this cluster is to bolster the mission objective of "Understanding Cluster," generate additional value, institute a feedback loop for policy, and amplify the impact of EU funding.

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